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With Security Solutions, your business can more safely accept payments and dramatically reduce fraud liability. When used with an EMV and encryption-enabled standalone terminal or POS system, our security solutions help protect your business from counterfeit or fraudulent cards not to mention safely transmit card data for processing.
PCI Assist we understand that PCI DSS compliance can be intimidating, especially for smaller merchants. That’s why we partnered with Trustwave®, an industry leader in information security and compliance, to help your business to simplify the process with PCI Assist. PCI Assist is a set of online tools that have been specially developed with Level 4 Merchants* in mind. With a wizard-style interface and an online security advisor, your business will be advised on adopting best practices and following important steps that lead to your PCI DSS compliance and validation. *Level 4 Businesses are processing less than 1 million transactions annually from all acceptance channels with one card brand, or those processing less than 20,000 e-commerce transactions annually with one card brand.

Encryption helps protect your business from data compromise by changing sensitive cardholder data and making it unreadable within your company environment. Encryption protects customer transaction data in transit from the time the card information is read at the point of sale to when it reaches the processing center. Encryption conceals sensitive payment information rendering it useless to hackers. This added security can also help reduce the scope of compliance requirements for businesses.

EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) is a security standard developed in the mid-1990’s by EMVCo for payment cards and mobile card payment security. While there is no official deadline–nor legal requirement–for your business to be compliant with the new EMV standards, the liability shift on October 2015, meant merchants who are not compliant could be held liable for certain types of credit card fraud. Installing EMV-compliant equipment is a smart decision though. Chip cards offer more protection from fraud than magnetic stripe cards. With our point of sale terminal solutions, your business can process in-store EMV chip card transactions, which offer the ultimate in security to reduce fraud liability and maintain your customers’ trust.

Breach Assist provides a layer of financial protection to safeguard your business by providing up to $100,000 per merchant location and up to $500,000 per event involving multiple locations. Additionally, Breach Assist provides up to $25,000* of coverage for post-breach hardware and software upgrades to allow for investment in new payment card industry technologies such as EMV dual interface terminal. Reli Solutions is not an insurance company and Breach Assist is not insurance. Breach Assist provides a contractual indemnity waiver for amounts your business would otherwise be obligated to reimburse/indemnify. Reli Solutions is subject to the terms and conditions of participation in the program.

Durbin Amendment On June 29, 2010, the Federal Reserve Board released the highly-anticipated final regulations implementing Section 1075 (the Durbin Amendment) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.